Do democrats view western society as a rape culture - and a patriarchy?

where women are oppressed.


Obama did a speech recently talking about the wage gap - do western men need to stop being so sexist and pay women fairly ? and stop raping women ?


  • Certainly they do. In fact, however, with few exceptions, Western Culture has been a shining beacon to guide the world!

  • Democrats oppress women, manipulate women, manipulate black people, manipulate latinos and use them all! They make me sick!

    Look at Egypt! 0bamas man pres there is oppressing all those 22 million people out protesting against 0bamas man Morsi! Women all wearing scarves because Morsi forces them too and women all separated by the men in protests because of their Islamic radical laws the MusIlim Bro's (0bamas buddies) enforced there. Proves 0bama has no respect for anyone really, he's a total FRAUD!

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