is a 90lb 5'2" girl too skinny?

I just hit 90lbs, im almost 14, and im about 5'2 and a half. i think im normalish, but everyone tells me im too skinny. I'm not fit really, so should i like, work out more? i eat normally and everything. thanks~


  • you could do with putting some weight on hun, but your healthy otherwise as long as your not starving yourself or anything silly your fine :)

  • I did a bmi test for you which is where you enter your age height and weight and it tells if you are skinny normal or obese i did your info on 2 different ones one said your normal and the other said your underweight so im thinking that your on the border so you might need to eat a little bit more not so much that you want to throw up just make sure you eat three times a day dont work out that will make you lose weight and build muscle

  • Body Mass Index BMI is used in adults to calculate if they are underweight, normal or obese.According to this formula if you were an adult you are underweight.

    However if you are a teenager a different formula is used. According to that if you turned 14 today (December 1, 2013) you have a healthy weight because you fall at 10the percentile. Here is the formula from the Center for Disease control,

    Most people will gain weight as they grow older. You are just perfect and don't let the fat people tell you that you are skinny. They are just jealous.

  • No you aren't too skinny! My mom weighed 100 pounds when she was 25 and thats when she was pregnant! My sister was skinny and everyone always told her how skinny she was and finally she just got sick of it and got really fit. so you could do that. but dont just start eating alot of unhealthy food just get fit and then if people tell you you are too skinny you could just tell them you are healthy and fit.btw people usually just say that bc they arent skinny.

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