Car accident no license?

I got into a crash yesterday, it was not my fault the man got a ticket. I do not have my license but I did not get a ticket and I told the cops but they didn't say anything which I thought was weird. It was my car and I do have insurance but just plpd. I filed a claim and I'm wondering if his insurance will deny me since I don't have my license even though it was his fault. I'm just confused about everything. I'm glad I didn't get a ticket but I don't know why I didn't get one. The cop even took me home and was very nice and he said the guy does have insurance so he told me good luck and he hopes they pay for it.. I live in Michigan.


  • If you were driving without a license, it's your fault. You should not have been driving, and anything that happens because you were driving (like an accident) is automatically your fault.

  • The cop choose not to give you a ticket, it doesn't mean you didn't deserve one.

    The guy and/or his insurance company will take it to court and get the cops decision overturned. Then the accident will be your fault because you don't have a license and were not suppose to be on the road driving. Then the guy gets to come after you for the damages to his car, it doesn't matter if your car had insurance, YOU do not and the insurance will not cover you because you are not a licensed driver.

    Be prepared to be sued.

  • How did you get insurance with no license. The insurance company wont cover damages to your car.

    You better hope the guy pays for the damages to both cars.What is plpd.

  • You are 100% at fault here. You can not drive without a license. So had no right to be there. You will probably end up paying for his car. And damage. By not giving you a ticket the police cut your liability a little and saying it was his fault. But not much. They cut you quit a break but I would start looking for a second job and Attorney money.

  • Insurance will not pay anything. It does not matter it was his fault, they will see you have no license.

  • you'll probably get a ticket in the mail.

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