How to add a mono speaker to a stereo system?

I have left and right speakers plugged into a stereo (red/black x2)

How can I add a third speaker that will blend both channels without blending the main two.

Basically a middle speaker


Figured it out... Using a pair of diodes and capacitors we can make the current flow one way only (+) and cap to get a direct current through the diode, quiet simple really


  • Here's a shorter answer: Not possible.

  • There really is no need for a center channel speaker in a stereo system. If the speakers are properly placed you should be getting good mono content. So in other words in order to get good stereo you must also have good mono content. If speakers are placed to far apart then you will lose mono content and everything will sound like its coming the right and left speakers this is not what stereo is all about.

    Generally place speakers approximately about 8ft apart closer if you are sitting near field.

    Speaker placement is the single most important part in setting up a music system to get good sound. Speaker distances apart, and distances from room boundaries are very important, as this effects both overall frequency responce and soundstaging. Play with distance from back walls to get the right bass detail and there is no universal setup for all speakers as so all speakers must be played with to get the right balance.


    40 years high end audio video specialist

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