My Shepards nose?

My german shepard will be 10 years old next month. Her nose is peeling and really dried out. Her nostrils are wet and she seems fine but its the peeling that Im worried about. And YES I will make an appointment for the vet. Just have never seen this.


i might also tell you she is an indoor dog. only potties outside. she doesnt like being out there.


  • Hello. Alright,first,you need to consider if your dog has any type of allergies(skin allergies).Second,does your dog have a fever,dehydration?. As long as her nostrils are wet,she should be alright.

  • You may have to take your dog to the vet to have it looked at properly. A skin biopsy may be needed to rule out any serious illness. The vet may want to try antibiotics and skin scrapes/smears to rule out mites, bacteria and/or yeasts. Once the vet has more info, treatment can be more accurate.

    this thread may be of help to you>

  • Most likely a fungal infection.

  • It could be an infection, possibly fungal in nature. Your veterinarian would be able to give you more information than we could.

  • my dog has something called collies nose and it is a sunburn and his nose is tuening pink and wont go away till we get it tattooed

  • weird maybe he just got kitted ora bee keep peeling him

  • your dog may have sniffed something not to good check around the has and utside see if you find anything weird. or it could be sunburn

  • gross ur dog has a nose disease

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