Who will be Australias next primeminister?

With everyone finally seeing what a dudd KRudd is people are finally realising the awful position labour has put us in..

Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on Rudd and Abbott and which way you will be voting?


  • Go the Liberals

  • I have always voted liberal.

    I have never particularly liked labour at all.

    Johnny howard was an excellent prime minister.

    However, I dont see abbott as a leader. He looks too much and smirks like a little kid.

    So unless johnny howard comes back.................Im thinking i would want Julia gillard as prime minister. Not because of the political party (labor) but because she is a woman and we have never had a woman prime minister before.

    I would like to see the female approach to running the country and she is the one person who i think has the strength to do it , as opposed to other female politicians.

    Its like when she speaks, she is made of steal , she is so convincing and has a sense of reassurance she knows what she is speaking about etc.

    John howard had those qualities, thats why he lasted the long term.

    Kevin rudd is just a person who comes and goes quickly.

    As i said , i have never been a labor supporter , Liberal runs through my veins. But i want to see a woman prime minister and i think Julia gillard is the only prime candidate for that top job.

  • Kevin Rudd will continue as Prime Minister. I have met Abbott twice and he is a lying bully, there is no way I could vote for him. The next leader of the Liberal Party will be Malcolm Turnbull, again, and he might win the following election.

  • Tony Abbott is not Prime Minister material, The Opposition will have a new leader by the time the election rolls around.

  • it may well be like residing in a dictatorship. The minute you get on the incorrect element of the regulation, you would be moaning. I.E - Peeing interior the line, do not lie, you have carried out it, as has another youthful male. No, i does not vote for you. I do agree that capital punishment must be delivered decrease back for homicide, Rape, baby Trafficking and severe Treason. people who won't artwork can not have infants? That rule is ludicrous! Its a dictatorship you have lined up. So no. EDIT : you will on no account make PM, with that form of mentality *fat whore who can not save her knickers up*. Its laughable.

  • Gotta hope Abbott wins the Election. Even Julia Gillard is more popular then Rudd

  • You are sure right about Rudd, who would have thunk that he would be a one termer. I will be going for Abbott. It doesn't worry me that he said you can't believe what he says as I don't believe much of anything that any politician says anyway.

  • Julia Gillard.

  • julia gillard

    i'll be voting greens

  • Hopefully none of them ^_^

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