Write 3/500 as a percent?

i got .006 or .06. im not sure.


  • A fraction is the same thing as a division, where the numerator is divided by the denominator. So:

    3/500 = 0.006

    However, a percentage is the first two decimal places of a decimal, up to the hundredths place. Just move the decimal point two places to the right. So the percentage is:


  • 3/500 = .006

    to get percent multiply it by 100

    .006(100)= .6

    so you have .6 percent

  • 3/500 = x/100

    cross multiply: 500x = 300

    so x = 300/500 = 3/5 % which is 0.6 %

  • ~~~

    This is 3/5 of 1/00. We know that 1/100 is 1% so your answer is:


  • 3/500=0.006=0.6%

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