how does car insurance work?

when driving a car how does the mandatory insurance law work? does the car need to be insured and the driver?

what if the car has insurance but the driver doesnt?


  • Just a follow up to what Fighting explained. I assume when referring to mandatory coverage, you may mean compulsory coverage which is the minimum required by your state.

    If you do not have collision coverage, and the person using your vehicle is at fault for the accident, your policy will not cover you for the damage to your vehicle.

  • Anyone who owns a car is required to insure it. The insurance follows the car, so it is not absoulutely necessary that each individual who drives it have his/her own insurance (like if your Mom is visiting from out of town and needs to use your vehicle); however, in most cases you will be required to cover all household members of legal driving age on your policy.

  • Generally, in the U.S. cars are insured and then anybody who uses it with the owners permission is covered.

    If you loan your car to somebody who does not have their own insurance, your policy will cover them as long as they had your permission to use the car.

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