TEENS:How do I masturbate?


I'm only 13.

I wonder how do I masturbate...

What do I do?

Plus what does it feel like?

I want to try, please tell me.



  • Stand on a podium, and argue with everyone in the vicinity.

    Congratulations you just maturbated everyone in the room, go home and tell your entire family the good news!

    It feels very good, it lets everyone know that you're the boss!

  • Well you spin rather fast in a circle while singing 'its getting hot in here', then as your spinning and singing attempt to jump.

  • Well if your a girl rub or put your fingers in your vagina.

    My girlfriend did it and she thinks it feels amazing

  • http://jackinworld.com/techniques/the-basics here if a boy and for females .For females, masturbation consists of rubbing the genital region and/or stimulating the clitoris, which is a small organ a lot like a tiny penis.

  • this should be something you should know by now espically with TV how it is...

  • dont try unwanted things ,

  • idk if you are a guy or girl please include info

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