can anyone give me topic suggestions on what to do an microeconomics essay (900 words) and has to be a topic i have faced in my day to day life as a college student??
Some great ideas have already been posted! Personally, I'd take a look at your own university and the cost of tuition. Does it make economic sense? This question interests me because I go to a pricey private school (Cornell) -- students, parents, professors, the community at large and yes, even I, whine constantly that the school is overpriced and that there is far too much academic snobbery here, yet supply and demand economic principles indicate that Cornell is actually underpriced...
This question gets even more interesting as you look at it from the perspective of the individual consumer: students who pay "sticker price" for a Cornell education are making a pretty irrational choice from an opportunity cost perspective.
Alas, my own irrationality is one of the factors that eventually turned me from econ to psychology...
As far as other topics, you can turn just about anything that interests you into an essay for micro. I'm also fascinated by the economics and ethics behind safety features in cars. Did you know that pedestrian and cyclist deaths from motorists have increased as cars have become safer? this is because people actually compensate for their safer car by driving dangerously! One prof of mine suggested that everyone would be safer if, instead or airbags, it was customary to mount a small dagger on the steering column. The idea behind this is that you would drive pretty darn carefully if you knew a collision involved certain death! Obviously not practical...but such a fun thought experiment! Go crazy and have some fun with your paper!
Good luck on the essay and let us know what topic you chose!
Minimum wage and how it increases unemployment, and decreases purchasing power!
College students get screwed with Minimum wage crap all the time. My college in OH just got nailed with a $2 increase and now it's almost impossible to find a job and a lot of student workers have been laid off.
It's an easy arguement... and if you need help go to Thomas Sowell, a Citizens guide to every day economics. He best explains it.
2. Why it is important to understand basic economics.
Due to limited resouces and unlimited wants and needs, together with available/identified alternatives, everyone in everyday's life has to make an Economics Decision as almost all decisions are subject to the Opportunity Cost.
3. Examples where we used to ignore basic economics like 'study of the alternatives' to make prudent decision.
e.g. 1. To buy an AWD or a luxury car? Is it a need or only a want? 'Need' is neceesary for you to have, while 'want' is only for leisure, hobby (unnecessary).
e.g.2. To further studies or to work.
e.g. 3 To buy new books or to buy used ones.
e.g.4 To save money in a bank for rainy days, or to buy insurance?
e.g 5. To rent an apartment or to buy one? Find the facts of purchase price, rentals, potential asset value appreciation, your income(affordability) and all other facts to make good decision.
how about people selling avon - or the guy who washes windows but owns his own business - th guy who owns the beer shop?
Some great ideas have already been posted! Personally, I'd take a look at your own university and the cost of tuition. Does it make economic sense? This question interests me because I go to a pricey private school (Cornell) -- students, parents, professors, the community at large and yes, even I, whine constantly that the school is overpriced and that there is far too much academic snobbery here, yet supply and demand economic principles indicate that Cornell is actually underpriced...
This question gets even more interesting as you look at it from the perspective of the individual consumer: students who pay "sticker price" for a Cornell education are making a pretty irrational choice from an opportunity cost perspective.
Alas, my own irrationality is one of the factors that eventually turned me from econ to psychology...
As far as other topics, you can turn just about anything that interests you into an essay for micro. I'm also fascinated by the economics and ethics behind safety features in cars. Did you know that pedestrian and cyclist deaths from motorists have increased as cars have become safer? this is because people actually compensate for their safer car by driving dangerously! One prof of mine suggested that everyone would be safer if, instead or airbags, it was customary to mount a small dagger on the steering column. The idea behind this is that you would drive pretty darn carefully if you knew a collision involved certain death! Obviously not practical...but such a fun thought experiment! Go crazy and have some fun with your paper!
Good luck on the essay and let us know what topic you chose!
Minimum wage and how it increases unemployment, and decreases purchasing power!
College students get screwed with Minimum wage crap all the time. My college in OH just got nailed with a $2 increase and now it's almost impossible to find a job and a lot of student workers have been laid off.
It's an easy arguement... and if you need help go to Thomas Sowell, a Citizens guide to every day economics. He best explains it.
TOPIC: All That Basic Economics & Common Sense
1. Definitions of economics
2. Why it is important to understand basic economics.
Due to limited resouces and unlimited wants and needs, together with available/identified alternatives, everyone in everyday's life has to make an Economics Decision as almost all decisions are subject to the Opportunity Cost.
3. Examples where we used to ignore basic economics like 'study of the alternatives' to make prudent decision.
e.g. 1. To buy an AWD or a luxury car? Is it a need or only a want? 'Need' is neceesary for you to have, while 'want' is only for leisure, hobby (unnecessary).
e.g.2. To further studies or to work.
e.g. 3 To buy new books or to buy used ones.
e.g.4 To save money in a bank for rainy days, or to buy insurance?
e.g 5. To rent an apartment or to buy one? Find the facts of purchase price, rentals, potential asset value appreciation, your income(affordability) and all other facts to make good decision.
And all other examples you can think of. Gd luck!
if you want i have some essays you could bring but you would have to translate them from spanish. if interested message me