Do car insurances pay out if my car is damaged in a private car park?

I have been told that if I was parked in a private car park, or on private property, insurance companies will not pay out, as they only cover you on main roads, and government property. Is this true?


  • No, you are covered regardless of where you are parked. If the car park was responsible for the damage, they may be responsible for the repairs. File with your insurance company, and they will determine if the car park should pay, through a process known as "abrogation".

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    RE: Do car insurances pay out if my car is damaged in a private car park?

  • I'm not sure where you are, but in the states it doesn't matter where the accident happened. If you have coverage you'll get paid. If the other person is at fault and has insurance you'll get paid.

  • It depends on the terms of your policy.

    In Michigan, parking lot damage is covered by your comprehensive coverage (along with deer and storm damage).

  • No the car is insured no matter where it is.

  • Not sure different states have different rules and guidelines. This should be outlined in your policy.

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