Why doesn't Y!A fix their report system?


I suggest leaving this site and going to one with actual moderators, like Quora or Reddit.


  • Sombra is pretty much dead-on in her assessment of the situation. I doubt Yahoo intended this as a business plan from the start, but someone must have finally noticed that Hey! when Community Moderation is down, usage seems to go up. That's due not just to an increase in the trolling, but also due to an increase in the fruitless counter-trolling, followed by counter-counter-trolling, etc. All that usage ("clicks") of course translates to advertising revenue.

    There's no one at Yahoo to whom to complain, no legitimate e-mail address, telephone number or even physical address to where you can send a complaint. Internet companies like Yahoo, even in their decline, are simply too huge to care, and that's not just an indication of callousness. If you have 100 million users and just 1/2 of 1/10 of 1 percent of them complained about something each day, that would be 50,000 complaints everyday. That would overwhelm any Customer Service Department. Far easier to ignore them, then to deal with them.

  • Im sure there Working on Fixing it Right now it just may take weeks before they get it up and Running Part of the Problem is they Laid off a lot of there Staff so they have Less people to work with

  • Why should they? All the nasty crap posted attracts responses, more and more responses ... and every response is money in Yahoo's pocket.

    Long gone are the days when anyone actually CARED about keeping this site clean. Yahoo cares only about more clicks to keep its advertisers happy ... the advertisers, not the users, pay the bills. The advertisers don't care about the quality of content, only the quantity.

    It's purely a business strategy. We all hate it (well, most of us do), but it's not in Yahoo's best interest to fix community moderation because doing so reduces *clicks* and revenue.

  • I got a cuzstomer care response from someone named ATUL.

    then a follow up one with another weird name. One can only assume their customer care dept is now being handled by some call center in India.

    Someone flipping thru some rule book, giving standardized, answers, because they don't actually speak any English.....and can't even being to grasp what I am actually reporting.

  • Because the guy from Antarctica they hired to fix it is having a little trouble with his internet connection.

  • Their only technician quit 2 or 3 years ago

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