Fatwa from Shiekh Yusuf Estes.?

Bismillah Rahman Raheem

Salam alaykum Sisters and brothers:

we already investigated the whole story of the "Laa Makkah, Laa Muhammad" over 6 years ago and it is totally fabricated. All of it is nonsense. The company was started in Georgia over 100 years ago and they did not even know anything about Islam there at all. The logo was designed by a person who did not know anything about Allah, Muhammad or Makkah.

And the images you have posted did not come from Jews and Indians - however, in authentic hadeeths, we know that the kabah will be destroyed by a man from Habishah.

If there is alcohol is coke or pepsi so it will be labeled.



Elwoods: I was just confused about alcohol in coke etc so i contact him and he sent me the reply which i have posted here.


  • Alakium Salaam...

    OK brother, I READ what you posted and went to the photo etc... I think... hey it's just like the OLD rock records of the 70's and 80's if you play them backwards you can hear anything you want to hear. Same with this picture... you can see what you want to see.. "alter" it even more and who KNOWs what you might find?!

    Now.. THAT aside, WHAT does THIS have to do wih Yusef Estes? THIS MAN -> Yusuf Estes, PhD. (born 1944 in Ohio), is an American convert to Islam and Director of "the Islamic Mission Foundation International", an Islamic research group dedicated to presenting the message of Islam in English according to the Quran, Sunnah. He was brought up in Texas in a Protestant Christian family; as members of the Disciples of Christ. Yusuf Estes was known then as "Skip Estes"?? Minster that converted to ISLAM? Is this the man you are talking about?

    I ask because the Question you state is NO Question but just a fact of interest you have presented...

    What is your question? And what does Yusuf Estes have to do with it? THE REASON I ask you... I LOVE Yusuf Estes, as an fellow Muslim revert.. he has been an Inspiration to me..

    I only had dial up connections so his audio takes LONG times to listen and video.. I WISH.

    I am just trying to figure out WHAT you mean, or what you are talking about involving Y. Estes.


  • Calm down Mohammad. He did not give that fatwa alone but many scholars in other contries too, when they found out about the sceret ingreadients. Read the website below.

    Abstraction from:



    "A best-kept secret for over a century, this sacred formula, said to be the original recipe for Coke, was discovered by author Mark Pendergrast on a yellowing piece of paper marked "X" in a company archive.

    His findings, published in a book called For God, Country and Coca-Cola in July last year, has grave implications for consumers, especially Muslims.

    Our inspection of the formula given, found alcohol-a substance which is haram (prohibited for consumption) to Muslims.This is a gross violation of over a hundred years of public trust.

    The exposure of its sacred formula shows that, under the guise of secrecy, Coca-Cola may be misleading many Muslims into consuming alcohol without knowling it.

    By doing this, Coca-Cola has trodden on the religious sensitivity of Muslims.

    The Quran and Hadith clearly forbid Muslims from consuming food with doubtful ingredients. A food is considered haram when there is doubt as to its contents (see "What the Quran and Hadith say")."

    Abstracted from:

    Beyond Seltzer Water: The Kashering of Coca-Cola


    "As the millions of Eastern European Jews who migrated to the United States from Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere in Eastern Europe before World War I became more Americanized, they wanted increasingly to partake of "real" American life, including consuming American foods and beverages. While seltzer water might have been the preference of many traditional Jewish immigrants, their rapidly assimilating children and grandchildren demonstrated their Americanization by drinking Coke."

  • Lets worry about bigger Issues. i.e. Our brothers and sisters are dying everywhere. how can we save them, since a drop of a Muslims blood is more precious in the eyes of Allah (SAW) than the Kaaba.

  • finally?

  • and u really think we all care about that child molester?

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