Why is my mom so paranoid?

She always looks at the sky at night at these little light things and says it's satellites and people are spying on us. She's suspicious of everyone. She thinks my dad put something on computer to watch us while he's at work so we dont spend $. Normal?


  • must be some phobia

  • Not very normal, probably some people have that, just ask, "Why would we be spied on?" Then say if there is no reason, just say that there is nothing that you have to be spied on. Say that those satellites cannot see anyone, they are for looking into space and to run everyone's power. They have no security cameras, so anyone could knock one out of the sky and no one would know who or what did it. And there is no such thing as putting something on the computer to watch you or your mom, tell your mom that. And you should probably get some help, because what if she plans to kill someone because she thinks they are a spy, or even worse your dad, and even worse, herself, or someone else. She needs to know that in reality spies only spy on people with something that is very uncommon, like a weapon, or if they have a secret plan. If it gets worse, tell someone.

  • no,its not normal, maybe its some illness or maybe she has taken some medication that gives her weird side affects? the spying for money thing might be real though...i would dissect your computer and check it out.

  • That's an early sign of "schizophrenia". Your mother needs treatment and help before she guts you in the night trying to remove the "control chip" from your intestines.

    Seriously, get her help.

  • She probably got abducted by aliens at one point and they messed with her brain some, turned her against her own government so that they can spy without getting caught. You know.

  • Obviously not. Perhaps her worries are out of the norm but there is obviously something worrying her and it may not be your dad spying on her. Something is up so quit asking us and ask her.

  • No, she seems controlled by a lot of different paranoias; she needs professional help.

  • Normal enough, unless she has other symptoms.

  • take her to a mental health department, she sounds very unwell.

  • No, it's not 'normal'. I think you should get her help.

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