Paramore, I need proof!?

ArIs Haley's drug addiction story true? OMG they are like the coolest... I hope not.


*Is (I can't spell today)


  • I bet it is true. I don't know much about Paramore,but I remember there have been a lot of questions about them breaking up. Drugs will do that. They would never admit it if it was true.

  • This would be the first that I've heard about Hayley Williams having any sort of substance abuse problem. Yes, nothing is really shocking anymore in this day and age of young vixens turning into modern day Courtney Loves, but her entire image was built upon being squeaky clean. Until I see her splattered on the tabloids like Lindsay Lohan, I'm not buying it.

    They ARE the coolest, not to mention to pantheon of what truly is punk rawk!


  • No she is not on drugs and the band is not breaking up!!!!! The reason they stoped touring is because they were under to much stress and needed a break, I read that in an interveiw with them in AP magazine and its on their website journal.The whole drug thing is a rumor also,I read that in some of their interviews in quite a a few magazines actually. You have to look at it from their point of view, I mean they started at a very young age for a band so the stress must be enormous for them,I give them props for making it this far with out compleatly breaking down.

  • I've been hearing about her drug addiction for awhile now. I wouldn't be shocked. People hold performers to such a high standard. When in fact they can slip up just like you, and me. They wouldn't be the first band to be rocked by drugs. The drug stories would explain her erratic behavior.

  • Arls was more fun anyway. Yes, they are soooooo true. She's the reason Paramore is breaking up. Zomg, they sooo are the coolest, I worship them! Lol, I actually like Paramore now.

  • I listen to the music news all the time! there have been Rumors about Hayley being on drugs really bad. I think that is why Paramore is breaking up!!!!

  • No Hayley is not on drugs, dont worry. Atually i was reading a magazine ( A Rock and Metal Magazine) and she was in an interview telling about rumors she was dinying. She even said about the drugs, ironic huh? (Not really ironic)

    People said they are splitting up, they are not either. Dont worry. She was also acused of being pregnant, well she is not either.

    By the way, i cant spell today either.

  • So she's not even old enough to walk into a bar but she's a huge drug addict

  • The reason you haven't found any proof is because there is none.

    She is squeaky clean and her band is not breaking up either.

    Everything that is good and pure will sooner or later be attacked, don't ask me why; that's just the way it is.

  • i dont think shes on drugs

    never go off rumors

    wait until the band themselves make an official announcment

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