NO SEX BC of his PORN?

5 years together, living together for 4 years. I'm always ready to have sex whenever he wants, but HE PREFERS to watch porn and masturbate instead.We Barely ever engage in sexual activities, and he turns me down when I try to initiate. I've spoken to him about this and he always says shut up or so what. He won't seek help for our relationship, we're both in our mid twenties. At home or work hes on his phone watching porn, and an enormous amount of it too. What do you think are my options here. I've personally started to feel resentment towards him. I wanna cry and leave! Im starting to feel empty, ugly, & unwanted. Talk to me!


  • wow :( ...he seems to not even care about u and ur sexual desires...does he behave like that about other things pertaining to you?

    If he wont seek help on his own maybe a close friend can encourage him to and point out that he's hurting u....but no 1 can force him and if he doesnt care to change the situation all those feelings u have are only going to get worse.

    Seek help for yourself and mayb they can help u find a solution...but take care of u and your self esteem PLEASE

  • leave him hun; there are to many others out there to waste your time on him and to allow him to make you feel as you do. he's not worth the pain. no need to cry ; just leave. you will be fine; just leave.

  • watching porn is the same as looking at other women, and masturbating is the same as having sex with these women, leave him hes not interested in you anymore.

  • He is a lost cauze girl and got me stuffed why you have been putting up with him for so long.

  • He's an addict. Addicts like their fix. If he doesn't get help, you need to leave.

  • he has a problem an addiction, leave

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