My very judgmental family.?

My dad's side has a comment about everything I do. No joke. I've dyed my hair multiple times and my grandma always says something about it. It's never positive. Just today I said that I had all my materials ready for feather hair extensions and she sighed and said to me "Caty, you should stop worrying about your looks and start keeping your room clean.". That pissed me off so much, I ran to my room and slammed my door. My dad's side cleaned my room while my family and my mom's side went on vacation, AFTER I TOLD THEM NOT TO, I would not keep it clean. I just can't. I'm a messy person, I know where everything is. I understand that they worked hard on it, I just want people out of my room. To be completely honest, I'm embrassed. I want privacy, which I understand is hard to get a lot of when your 13, but I just have things in there that they would get the wrong idea of if they saw. I don't feel any support from that side even though my mom just died. It got me so screwed up in school it wasn't even funny. I was turning in school work on the last period of the last day of school, luckily my teachers were very understanding of my situation. It was just a pain in the *** to deal with school and a bunch of other ****. I was at a new place everyday, because of my dad's work. I just want them to understand that I'm not a religious, good girl, modest person like them. I'm a little loud, a little vulgar, and a little crazy. It's just how I am. I'm naturally a "bad/mean" girl. I speak my mind to people, I'll say something to you. It's always awkward around them.


I don't shout at my parents.... parent. I'm just sick of how my dad's side treats me.


  • The trick is to act rationally, explain to them u need your privacy, without getting upset, raising your voice or slamming doors, if u keep calm and remain somewhat calculating and continue to drill it into their feeble narrow minded skulls then eventually they will have no choice but to listen but I'm sure u know the score.. act like a kid n u'll get treated like a kid, unfortunately this rule doesn't apply to adults, so u have to play them at their own game, respect their boundaries and with any luck they'll respect yours ;)

    I have to ask though, is it really about privacy or are u trying to isolate yourself from your family in order to not have to deal with certain emotions? I guess losing your mum was very difficult and generally when we get hurt like this we find it easier to push people away and rebel against them so as not to get hurt like this in the future.

    At the end of the day it's all part of growing up, you seem like a smart girl, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually... just remember acceptance is a 2 way street, sometimes u gotta give a little to get a little... I'm sure they only have ur best interests at heart, even if they don't always get it right, we all make mistakes, that's what makes us human.

  • be yourself no matter what. Make that clear and be nice to them explaining that you 'd like to have your privacy at least in your room.

    If they clean it for you or comment on your looks\behaviour, it's because they worry about how you'd turn to be. So just make it clear that looks are not that dangerous and that you are careful and respect them to respect you back in return while asking for privacy

    When you should respect, they will definitely at least understand that you're responsible in that part.

    Being a teenager is hard. It's just a phase and let them know that it's hard for you too!

    Stick to your rights and remember that your own principles and rules are what makes you the individual person that you are.

    Have fun playing by your own rules and be kind to people,girl!

  • Ah your only 13, age when you are suppose to start fighting against your parents. It aint judmental just trying to set proper manners before you go off to higher grades, when you get more responsibilities. In time you'll regret shouting at your parents

  • i know exactly how u feel, my family was the exact same way. just dont let it get to u, tune them out.. they will eventually understand that they cant control every aspect of ur life.



    Just explain this to them. Geez. :|

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