Girls: how bad do menstrual cramps hurt?

I'm a guy so I don't know.

Does they really hurt that bad? Or is there a lot of exaggeration?


  • Basically, it hurts.

    Imagine bleeding for at least a few days (up to a week) from "down there" and wearing something either shoved up your body or a item that resembles a diaper.

    Then, you have PMS, so your moody, and likely have a headache.

    Then, the cramps. They can range from "Ow!" to "I seriously can't walk right now it hurts so bad omg."

    Mine are usually in the middle.

    And then knowing your period is starting soon and your worried at school if you'll start randomly and bleed through your pants.

    So overall I'd say your lucky your a guy.

  • I'm 50. I still get them bad enough to curl up in a ball and feel nauseated. Luckily, I've only gotten sick a couple times ever in my 37 years of menstrual periods. (Pregnancy and labor was a different story, of

    How bad? They wake me up during a dead sleep if that's any indication!!!

    Justina.. age has nothing to do with how bad they hurt!! They didn't much in my first seveeral years. They've always hurt WORSE after I had my last child in my early 20's. There are also medical conditions that can add into how bad cramps can be. I hope you don't have to experience any of those, either.

    Cramps in general are caused by hormones called prostaglandins They cause the uterus to contract. The digestion tract is normally affected also... diarrhea is a result. (Yea, I know.. gross.)

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    Girls: how bad do menstrual cramps hurt?

    I'm a guy so I don't know.

    Does they really hurt that bad? Or is there a lot of exaggeration?

  • everyone is different. for me at least, it's really not a pleasant feeling. sometimes you just want to curl up in a ball. If I didn't take medicine when I had cramps I would have to just lay down. the pain isn't really describable but it does hurt pretty bad. some people even pass out from the pain but like I said it depends on the person. some girls don't even have any at all(lucky)

  • I know this question is really old but i'm still gonna answer. It freaking hurts. A lot.

    Imagine muscles in your body pushing together and pulling out all the time for up to 7 days. It hits you unexpectedly and in the middle of class or something you're just like '****...' and no matter what position you're in it feels like a fist is pushing into your stomach.

    as if the bleeding wasn't enough...

  • This questions old sorry xD

    It hurts, but it doesn't hurt THAT bad. It feels like when you've worked out for a really long time add your body aches. But it seems worse because your in a bad mood. So yes , it's exaggerated a bit but it still sucks. It also depends on the girls and how strong she is.

  • It hurts so bad i use a heating pad but u can't even move a little bit without it hurting.

  • for me my menstrual does NOT hurt at all lol.. I rarely get cramps or pains or all that *%&*ing exaggeration but I do get some bloating stomach which usually goes away after I drink ginger tea :3

    So, I guess for some girls if they are young they are new to everything like pain, cramps, bloats and stuff but once they get regular and older they seem to go away.

  • Like two small fists holding a cluster of your nerves live in either side of your lower stomach and on your period (often just before and after too) the fists squeeze really hard intermittently, drawing blood.

  • It feels as if someone has stabbed your gut 2019231290478912742197 times T.T It hurts BAD!

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