how true is astrology?


why sometimes astrology is true while at other times not


  • Truth demands testing. All tests of astrology have shown it does no better than chance. Even the tests designed by astrology proponents. Astrology only has religious belief for support. Go ahead and do a basic search online.

    The question is why want it to be true? You like the possibility that humans are programmed?

  • Experimental analysis of personality types by 'sign' has proved it to be a load of rubbish.

  • Depends on how much you believe in it or not. If you really study into it, it makes sense. But then you have the people who are closed-minded and haven't done any research into it and completely disregard it and write it off.

  • There's a reason why it's in the Entertainment section...

  • Absolutely, positively only entertainment. It has zero bearing on who you are as a person and what your future is.

  • Balls of burning gas and chunks of rock don't have any influence on your personality or your life.

  • As true as any other belief system

  • About as true as the tooth fairy.

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