How do i confront my dad?

I am in a place where i need to tell my dad to stay out of my life. I don't trust him at all anymore and i feel constant paranoia because i can't deal with him visiting me and the constant harassment i get from him. I only ever see him for about 5 minutes a day but he still manages to have such a negative impact on me and makes me feel pressured to be perfect and he rants and raves about every little thing. I can't move on with my life and feel free until i cut contact.


  • don't answer the door or the telephone

    that should do it


  • Okay so I know he's crazy, annoying, and is driving you absolutely insane but in the end he is always going to be your dad. He's the only one you got so this isn't going to be easy. I completely understand your situation. You don't want to cut him out of your life because he's your dad, but you can't live with him because he is driving you crazy and is always putting you down and making you feel like your worthless. Here's what I think you should do, just talk to him (as hard as that is going to be) just tell him exactly what you said here. Tell him how you feel he has a negative impact on your life and is always pressuring you to be perfect. You should say that you don't know what to do to stop him from having a negative effect on your life except cut all contact with him. See what he says to that. If he still doesn't agree to leave you alone and stop telling you all the crap that he does everyday then just stop talking to him. Maybe you both need a break from each other (and I'm not saying forever), just take a break and think things through. Let him do the same. When you're ready you can talk to him again and if you see he is doing the same thing again then just keep your relationship distant don't be too close. It's horrible to hear this because he is your Dad but if he is causing you pain, there is nothing else you can really do. Always remember you are stronger than you think you are. You are an amazing person, don't ever feel you need to change something about yourself to try to get someones acceptance. Just be yourself. No matter what. -Good luck :) I wish you the best!

  • l take it that you are living in your own place when you say he visits you...perhaps you should not allow him to come in the next time he calls. Tell him you are an adult now and quite capable of making your own decisions about everything that goes on in your life, and you find his constant bullying offensive and patronising.

    An adult living on their own should not have to put up with a parent still treating them like a child...and you are obviously standing on your own two feet. Tell him to butt out.

  • Please read Dreamer's answer, about three times through, it is the best advice you will get!

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