Why do "postal employees" actually go POSTAL?

The term means to go crazy; and THEY DO... did they take the term literally?


  • the term going postal came from postal workers going crazy and killing their fellow employees. they say it is caused be the stress of the job. that and in most cases, getting fired!

  • Postal employees go "postal" because everyday they come in to work and there is more mail. They deliver it and they come back the next day to more mail. They feel like they never make any progress because the mail will never stop. So, they go crazy and the term "postal" usually means they bring in a gun and shoot up the place.

  • because being a postal worker is BORING!!!! they sit in a mailroom all day sorting mail and listening to people ***** about the price of stamps going up again and if they arent there then they are out delievering mail alone driving a lil mail truck with the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car....i think i would go postal to lol

  • On the contrary! To die is a biological process. The cessation of existence is a metaphorical extension of the concept. That metaphor also implies a non-biological aspect of existence--a soul or spirit, if you will--because in most cases of death, there is definitely a continuation of existence, often as the sort of gruesome remains that keep the special-effects crews busy on "CSI" and "Bones." As to the metaphorical sense, we have no basis at all for assuming that passing out of our range of interaction actually means passing out of existence. You simply assume it, just as others assume an afterlife. On a less philosophical and more practical level, Christians understand what dying is. We just assert that it is no more permanent a state than our present life, and that Jesus both experienced death and demonstrated its impermanence. You may disagree, but it is unbelievably silly to assume that we don't understand what we're saying. You're arguing from willful ignorance of our position, just like the creationists who so frequently claim that the theory of evolution misunderstands the nature of life.

  • Lack of respect from superiors for a job well done. No sense of satisfaction in the job. Enduring the other postal co workers who are also unhappy in their jobs.

  • u dont have to be a postal employee anyone can go postal just watch the news every day

  • It's odd....I know but I knew someone who worked at a local post office (LARGE) and they were treated like in the military...IDK -- they also make a lot of money and when they lose their jobs...they go postal.........

  • They did not take the term literally ... they are the reason the term exists!

  • They go postal, because they believe their bosses and co-workers are treating them badly.

    Good question.

  • There just couldn't be a lot of job satisfaction working for snail mail when you are competing with the internet and all you are doing is delivering junk mail and bills to people.

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