How big is a normal guys penis???

just wondering


  • Normal as is physiologically balanced? Or average as in size?

  • Durex conducted an Internet survey and received responses from 2,936 men in seventeen countries. There was no effort to verify the data. Thus, this study suffered not only from the natural tendency to exaggerate in Dr. Kinsey's study** but also from a self-selection problem: poorly endowed men were certainly far less likely to be reporting penis size over the Internet than well-endowed men. (The opposite phenomenon would be expected if the survey only included ex-wives.) Not surprisingly, under the Durex methodology, average penis size "grew" to 6.4 inches, with a wider standard deviation of 1.1. (The wider standard deviation is consistent with the subjects' engaging in exaggeration.)

  • 4 to 6 inch it varies because of height if your in the 6ft section it will varie from 6 to 8 but if your average it's 4 to 6 .... and if you ask a guy and he tells u big its a lie... self esteem thing...

  • 6-9 inches. Rember, the size of the penis dosn't matter, the size of the heart does :)

  • About 6 to 8 inches. Pick me as a best answer and I will pick you as one.

  • average size of male is 4-5 inches

  • 6 inches hard

  • 4-6 INCHES

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