Do dragons exist or not?

If so, how might one go about finding a dragon?


  • Only in your imagination and in the imagination of those people who have written about them in the past.. Zombies don't exist, Dracula doesn't exist, neither does Superman or Harry Potter. All just stories. Make something up for yourself and see if you can bring it to life in your imagination..

  • Maybe, and the reason we cant find any fossils is because however they breathed fire dissolved the body when the dragon died

  • you may find them on the island of Komodo, some zoos have them & my local pet store sells bearded dragons & basilisks

  • Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves.

  • In the real world, the here and now, aside from Komodo Dragons, the answer to your question is NO!!

    Dragons do not exist.

    Therefore one cannot find what doesn't exist.

    Dragons are easily found in the world of fiction. You and I live in the real world.

  • No they dont exist now

  • There are different opinions on the answer to this question. Some people believe they once existed, but most feel they are works of fantasy. Discovery Channel made a documentary style movie called Dragon's World: A Fantasy Made Real. This movie actually caused confusion in some people who thought this was a real documentary presented by Discovery with actual facts. However, this docudrama was made for entertainment purposes only. The scientists were played by actors. It was advertised as an "alternate history".

    There has never been a confirmed case of a dragon remains being found. There have been claims, but they have been found as incorrect or fabricated thus far. There are still other ancient reptilian skeletons that have yet to be identified. Many dragon lovers still hold out hopes that these could be them.

    Some people feel that the fact that dragons are known in the history of almost every area of the world in much more than a coincidence. There are Asian versions of dragons, which are wise and benevolent creatures. According to some European folklore, dragons were eating maidens and then being slayed by knights in retribution. There were American Indian tribes who had stories of fire breathing reptiles burning fields and flying away with buffalo. Dragons are depicted in ancient art from all over the world. Many of these societies had no contact with each other.

    There are some that say there have been many fantastical creatures in this world. Some of these people believe that dragons, unicorns, and other creatures are highly intelligent and sensitive beings who are in hiding from humans and may come back some day. There are others that say there is no definite proof because they do not, and never have, existed.

    Dragons have filled stories from the times of King Arthur and Saint George to modern times. They are in popular culture. Some best sellers of our time, Eragon and Harry Potter, are full of dragons.

    So what is the answer? If you are asked on your science exams, no. The official scientific community as a whole has not proven or accepted the existence of dragons. If you are asked as a matter of personal belief, then it is really up to you.

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