I recently gave birth to my son last January 14, 2009 through IVF procedure (because my husband has a low sperm count) and I got my period after the birth for 1 month and then it didn't go back until september 26 and i guess it is because i am nursing my son. And during ovulation, we tried to take chances of getting pregnant (even though we have tried many times before to conceive naturally but ended up doing it through IVF because of low sperm count)

I was supposed to have my period already october 24 and i didn't have it. I am not sure whether I am pregnant or not. I couldn't get a pregnancy test yet till after 2 weeks after my period is due. If i get it after 2 weeks, Can i still get a positive result by that time if i am pregnant even if i take the pregnancy test after 2 weeks after my period is due?


  • first, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to your successful ivf! me and my husband are going through this now, we hope it works first time!!

    second, yes, as long as you know when you period was due and it's late, if you have hcg it should be detected, although i'd say go to your drs rather than a hpt as it's more accurate. plus they'd be able to shed some light as to why it could be late.

    good luck!

  • yes.

    i was breast feeding too, got pregnant and didnt know it. went to the doc and he suggested i might be, so i went home and took a test. the box said to wait three minutes to read results, but the blue + was there as soon as pee hit the stick. i was 12 weeks at that point. lesson being, the longer into the pregnancy you wait, the quicker and better the results show up. they read hCG, which builds up in your system as the pregnancy progresses. at weeks 1 and 2, when you can start to test, your levels are only about 5, but by week 12 you hit over 100,000. so dont worry about being too far past your peroid to test, its too early that is the problem.

  • I took a pregnancy test 5 days after my period was due and it was positive so defiantly after 2 weeks. Good luck

  • Yes! A pregnancy test detects a hormone so as long as you have that hormone the test should produce a positive result

  • You can accuratley take a test 5 days before your period is supposed to start., and if you are preg. you can get a positive result anytime.

  • The pregnancy test should still work.

  • I would think so. It's also normal to have an irregluar cycle after having a child so it's possible you aren't pregnant.

  • yes and i would.

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