Seniors, how close do you live to a casino?

There is an Indian casino about 40 miles north of me and now there are plans to build one in my home town about 40 miles south. I have been to the northern one a few times over the years, but don't care if I never go again; gambling just doesn't really excite me that much. The one going in will be built about two blocks from the state capitol building. Why do we need so many casinos? I know this sounds like NIMBY, but, geez.


NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard


  • There's a Indian casino about 20 minute drive from here and 2 more about an 1 hour from here and there are plans for more in my State, mainly people need jobs so that why they are building one has to go to them..=)

  • We also have an Indian casino about 40 miles away and it is nice one. I really got into casino gambling a few years ago and used to go to Reno or Vegas about once a month. The worst thing that ever happened to me was that I won a substaantial amount of money the first two years and thought it would keep going. Then the streak ended . I lost a lot of money over the next five years and am still paying for it. I must say though, it was a heck of a run while it lasted. I still miss the free rooms in jacuzzi suites, free limos to Lake Tahoe, dates with cocktail waitresses (and even a showgirl). All I ever played was video poker. Now I don't go much because, after playing high limit games, playing quarter or dollar video poker bores me. We have so many casinos because many people love to gamble.

  • There's one just outside of town about 5 miles away, another down the highway from there about a mile or so, another about 14 miles from here and yet another 25 miles. I went to the nearest one for the first time last week and believe it will be the last time, went with some friends from work. The casino is several years old and already smells like a dirty ashtray, the few people (it was a Monday) that were there playing looked like they were in a trance playing the slots, the drinks were mostly self-serve at 2 stations. I've been to Las Vegas and Laughlin several times and this one was worst than any I visited there. I think if it wasn't for the gambling addicts they would have closed a few years ago. I know one couple who lost their home due to gambling and other people that work 2 jobs to gamble away one paycheck after they get off from their second job. Every once in awhile they have to close due to a bomb threat, don't know if it's some religious person doing it or someone who is tired of their spouse losing their paycheck.

    We don't need so many casinos, the state of Oklahoma is saturated with them and they are causing people to commit crimes in order to cover their losses, not to mention losing homes and marriages.

  • I am surrounded by casinos. I never have been fond of gambling and have seen too many sad things happen to people who do throw their money away. Native Americans own a lot of the land out here in the desert and also own most of the casinos. You see all ages at the tables and they dont seem to be having fun as much as desperate to win that big roll of the dice. Some of the casinos dont allow children under 18,so there is a plethera of strollers and bikes outside. I'm sorry but sad is still the only word I can think of.

  • I live about 15 miles from three major casinos in downtown Detroit...and like you, I'm just not interested in gambling. With my kind of luck...I might as well just stand at the front door and set fire to my money right there. Besides, my money's just too hard to come by to blow it on chance. I DO know that the casino brought a lot of jobs and tourism to the downtown area of the city...heaven knows you can't wander the neighboroods!

  • We've got one a short drive away, in the next big town down the road from us.

    I've never set foot in the place. Personally, I don't enjoy gambling at all, and I have a tendency to pity people who do enjoy it.

    Nevertheless, I staunchly support everyone's natural human right to be foolish and self-destructive if that's what they have their heart set on. And it is also true that this casino provides quite a few local jobs, and attracts some big-name entertainers who are worthwhile.

    And I do get a kick out of the grumbling of the folks who say the damn Indians are stealing our money and corrupting our way of life--while they conveniently forget that it was we who stole the Indians' land and introduced them to guns and politics and whiskey.

  • Wish I knew what NIMBY is. Mine is about 1.5 hrs north. I've gone twice with other people, one who went with quarters just for fun, and the other who wanted to try Paul Deen's restaurant. First time, I just walked the place and watched. Those people could have a gorilla standing next to them and wouldn't know it, they're so intense. It's big now to help states survive economically.

  • Stew and I lived in Las Vegas for 15 years. We were very close to downtown so there were many within a few blocks.

    We liked living there and we did play, but we were responsible and never lost more than what we would have paid for an evening of entertainment. Neither of us had a gambling addiction, we had fun.

  • The Muckleshoot Casino is about two miles from where I live. One of my former senior bowling leagues held their bowling banquet there for several years. After the cost went over $17 per person for the buffet, they found someplace else.

  • The nearest casino to me is over an hour and a half away. That's ok because gambling is not something I can afford any way.

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