Teacher Problem! AHH!?

ok so i had this teacher last year and then she moved up to 8th grade. SO i have her again! And she is my homeroom teacher. I had her last year for a half day as my last class. So i get dismissed at 2:30 to go to my bus and usually go to my locker at like 2:25. So when 2 30 came around she just then dismissed us! And i had to run to my locker and run to my bus! So what to do this year?


idk if she is going to do it this year, but just in case...


  • why don't you go to your locker before you go to homeroom? last year i had my last class in a completely different spot than my locker, so after lunch i went to my locker and got all my stuff for the end of the day, so when we got dismissed i could just go straight to my bus.

    i don't know if this is what you were asking or if this helps but i hope it did lol!! :)

  • Either ask her if you could leave 5 minutes early to catch your bus, or get a note from a parent. Otherwise you' just have to deal. I had a teacher that would hold us 1 minute after class for every person that wouldn't hand in their homework for that day. So if 7 people didn't do their homework, it was 7 minutes after class. I never missed my bus but i came close. One day it was 14 minutes, and i just walked out. I actually didn't get in trouble, she did. Aparently she couldn't do that, so she stopped...for like a week then started again... God, I hate teachers..thank god i drive myself now.

  • just tell her you need to leave early.

    or get a note.

    or forge one.

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