my dog has serious issues?

ok so i have a 4 year old (28) dog. he is an lhasa apso and has issues. any way he has been licking his paws alot latley and it turns red because he is a white dog and its on his paws so i bathe him to see if it helps but it didnt do u have any thing that can help him thx



well i know one thing my dog has been eating the same thing for 31/2 years and was not on the recall list either


  • Could be allergies, whether food or inhalant. The saliva is what discolors his fur. There are products at the pet stores to help with problem To better help with this problem is to have him examined by your veterinarian and discuss the options you have.

    Good luck

  • It's hard to answer this not knowing your dog, but I'd say that he's snapping because he's afraid (perhaps he's a timid dog) and he's too stressed in the situation you've put him in and he's over his threshold. You're definitely doing the wrong thing by pinning this dog!! Don't buy into the Cesar Milan type and play "alpha male" with a dog who's already got issues - you're making him worse! This is NOT a dominant dog, this is a scared dog and he's growling and snapping to defend himself because that's all he knows how to do. While he's there, you need to keep his stress level to a minimum. And dogs don't see clearly at night - they see shapes, not details. If you need to leave him with people he doesn't know and is afraid of, do the smart thing, and kennel him in a quiet room where he feels more secure. When you get home, if you feel he needs a behaviorist, by all means, try one. Or find a good obedience instructor to help you. The other thing that would really benefit this dog is if you could find a Tellington Touch practitioner. Ttouch is a system of touches that helps dogs with behavioural issues ranging from shy/timid dogs to dogs with aggression issues. They do amazing things for these dogs. When you get home, google Tellington Touch and see if you can find a practitioner where you live.

  • It could be a number of things, however, constant licking could lead to sores. Look in between his toes and check to make sure nothing has bitten him or that there is nothing stuck in between. You can use an anti itch spray or lotion to soothe the itch and use a bitter apple spray to keep him from licking his paws further. If the licking continues after you've tried to deter him then talk to your vet, there could be a larger problem like allergies that would require a vets treatment.

  • Paw-licking is the first sign of food allergies. What do you feed your dog?

    I recommend Wellness CORE food. It is grain-free, has no wheat, soy or by-products and is great for dogs with allergies.

    No matter what you are feeding now you need to get the dog on something else.

  • It sounds like he has allergies. My pom had them. Take him to the vet and they will a shot to help with the allergies, they told be to him an antihistamine and washing my dog in dog shampoo with oatmeal base has helped him You need to talk to the vet before giving him any medication. I also switched flea prevention medication and that is when he really started improving. You can get hydrocortisone spray for dogs and helps with the itching.

  • If he has never had it before & it's just started, I would try to figure out what has changed to cuz it. Like if you have walked him in a different area where he might be contacting something toxic or that he is allergic to, or if you just bought a new carpet or moved to a different home.

    Whatever it is, I would take him to the vet to get something to help it heal & give him comfort from the pain.

  • you know already what causes the red in his paws. you must avoid it by giving something that can attract him and turn his attention and does not lick his paws anymore.

  • Could have some type of allergy. Take him to the vet and have the vet take a look at him.

  • Could be an allergy. Take him to the vet.

  • he's developed an allergy.. it could be from his food... they may have changed the formula, or are using a different grade of ingredients.

    it could be a contact allergy.. grass, carpeting, upholstry, even the shampoo you use on him.

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