Fundamental religious problem.?

If the devil punishes evil people is he really bad? God says that evil people will be punished in hell, and the devil does just that. Explanations?


  • Have you ever noticed how the alleged villains in children's cartoons often lack any real motivation or don't make any sense at all?

    Like, the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz. Why's she wicked? Because that's how she's called. Apart from that, she's only upset that some brat killed her sister and stole her shoes. Yeah, how WICKED!

    Same with Satan. Why is he evil? Because every story needs a villain and now shut up before he comes and gets you. But what exactly is the evil he has done? And how do his evils compare to all the evils god has done who then get justified retroactively?

  • The devil does not punish evil people. Hell was actually created for Satan and all those who follow Him in his rebellion against God. So Satan will be tormented in hell just like everyone else, probably more so considering the magnitude of his sins.

  • The Devil ultimately punishes everyone he contacts.

    The person in Hell, separated from God and hopless is punished by definition.

  • Simple way to put this is :

    Satan does NOT do the punishment deal..

    Satan is NOT in the *pit* right now, he goes before God in heaven as our *accuser*..

    Satan has no clue, at least I believe, what awaits him or his followers, and that includes the *souls* he lures away from God...

    Satan does NOT see himself or his followers as evil, he thinks he is higher or better than God...

    Satan is the *god* of THIS world right now, so he does *sorta* rule it.. he is only held in check by the limits God has set upon him....

    Child of God - X atheist

  • Something I never understood. Just like how God killed over 100,000 people in the bible, but the devil only killed 10.

  • no god punished pupil in life also but they can realise so thus they given in hell

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