Why does a papercut?

Hurt more than any other pain on earth?


  • Paper cuts can cause surprisingly acute pain since they usually stimulate a large number of skin surface pain receptors in a very small area of the skin. Because the shallow cut does not bleed very much, the pain receptors are left open to the air, ensuring continued pain. This is exacerbated by irritation caused by the fibers in the paper itself, which may be coated in chemicals such as bleach. Additionally, most paper cuts occur in the fingers, which have a greater concentration of sensory receptors than the rest of the body.

  • My art teacher got a paper cut on his eyeball once. It makes me cringe to think about it.

  • For real! lol. Must be because of the sharpness, it just slices deeper.

  • What your trying to tell us that you have never had a razor cut

  • trees secrete a toxic poison when being processed

  • because it's very irritating and it bleeds.

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