why is GS pup so destructive?

hes 4 months, purebred, he chews everything and now tears the paneling off the breezeway wall.

he doesnt like going for a little walk, he continues to lie down, if i take him out into the yard he hangs around my feet. he wants to be in the house with me constantly but he ruins everything.

he saw the vet last week, he is in good health. should i tie him outside with a doghouse at 4 months?


it was a short walk


  • Your dog is having a hellacious teething time. Even after the baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones, some teeth grow in and aren't replacement teeth. Because of this the gums are irritated and the dog has strong urges to chew which can be destructive. You have an incredibly smart and trainable dog breed. This dog will be miserable if you chain or tie him out in a yard and will be an even bigger problem. Your dog needs lots of supervision and redirection when inside or even outside if there is something he can demolish. If you can be consistent with supervision and training until your dog is about a year old, that hellish time will pass. Even before then it will get better, but you can expect any powerful breed or larger breed of dog to potentially wreak havoc without training and supervision during the teething times. My dog loved her "chilly bone" which was a very durable canvas like material with inner material that enabled the toy to be soaked in water and then frozen. Reinforce your chain link fence if you can, so your dog can be outdoors some and when indoors and you can't supervise, you can utilize a kennel cab to help with training. You just don't want to stick a dog in there for hours on end though! If you contact a Home Depot type store, they can advise you of what you will need to reinforce your fence so the dog can't get under it. GSD's are famous for scaling fences too. Mine could climb eight foot chain link fences. Chain link fences aren't all that great for containing this breed.

  • you need to correct bad behaviour buy him some chew toys, so he will not chew the breezeway wall. could you be walking him on a distance to long that he is not able for. often if you keep walking like you mean it and you didn't notice the dog lay down, they will get up and go with you when they hit the end of the leash. Bribery can also work, experiment and see what motivates him to keep going.

    trust me your not alone casper chewed chairs as a pup but with training he soon stopped.

  • You need training. Yes, you. The training will help you learn how to communicate with your dog. Right now, you don't know how - hence the laying down on walks. He needs more exercise and he'll be calmer in the house. When you aren't around to supervise him, he should be in a crate - this will keep him from chewing. Dogs chew because they are bored and aren't getting the stimulation and exercise that they need.

    Find a certified trainer in your area here:


    Enroll him in puppy classes so that he gets some socialization and you can learn how to be the dog owner that he needs.

    Tying is illegal in my state and punishable by fine. Not only that, it's a lazy way out. You decided that you needed or wanted a dog. That dog is only as good as his owner. You've got a puppy and you get to decide how he's going to be. How? By TRAINING him.


  • A rot will clearly take care of the kinfolk that it loves whilst and despite if that's mandatory, that's their organic instinct. bear in mind which you're basically going to have a dependable protector and companion in case you cope with this dogs properly! with the aid of "raising it to be a take care of dogs" I worry which you have a distorted view of what a take care of dogs is. on no account hit your dogs!!! this might basically coach the dogs to be vicious, no longer protecting there is an exceedingly vast difference. Get the domestic dog in obedience instructions authentic away and as quickly as you have discovered the thank you to be a great handler in case you prefer you may touch a great coach and initiate the dogs with chew paintings yet make certain the instructor is prevalent with of what he's doing! chew paintings is taught as a sport that's a exciting pastime to your dogs and could come into play if a danger is made and the dogs needs to guard. you will no longer have a dependable protector in case you don't get the right practise as a handler!

  • can you go out in the back ajnd run him? you say he doesn't like to walk but he also needs to be leash trained. High energy dogs, and especially puppies act out when they have energy that they have no idea how to put to use. Some dogs will run circles, other dogs, like yours become destructive. I suggest playing with him for extensive lengths of time outdoors.

  • It's called "training".

  • nooooo

    dont b mean to it

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