Why do guys ask if girls masturbate?

I'm pretty outspoken with my friends. I have alot of guy friends just as I have girl friends. I'm honest. Whenever my guy friends talk about anything in general. Sex or not, They get surprised that they find out I masturbate. And curious. I've had several different guys with the same reaction. Seriously, its just masturbating. They act like I just saved the world and did something goldy e_e. Lol.

I'm just curious why they would really care.


  • lol you just gave them something to think about while jacking off, the facial expression was them storing the event in their mental spank bank

  • i totally know what you are saying. for some reason guys loooooovveeee to talk about that with eachother (and i just dont get why) but whenever i get asked those sorts of questions i usually dont answer. i dont do any of that stuff, but i still think its weird for them to ask in the first place

  • They are surprised probably because they masturbate thinking of you. It's normal and everybody has done or does it.

  • i know huh! my boyfriend was hella surprised when he found out i masturbate. he said because women nowadays (generally) are not comfortable with their sexual needs. if you dont masturbate your weird.

  • It's cause all guys think like that.

    Some think it's sexy for girls to masterbate, but that's just how guys minds work .

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