if i dont use mascara ?

if i don't use mascara the whole summer break will my lashes grow more and be at least a little thicker and longer when school starts again i made a big mistake not washing it off at night will not wearing the mascara for that long will it help also does olive oil help ( i don't want to use Vaseline because my lashes are weak and it will make them fall out washing it off )


  • My advice would be to just leave them alone:P. Removing mascara usually tears out the lashes and all those lash growth serum mascaras are gimicks. If you want more, fuller lashes, let them do their thing and grow :)Hope that helped :)

  • Mascara (Good kinds) actually help your eyelashes grow thicker and stronger, and you should try plucking them, because just like shaving, your eyelashes will grow longer and thicker when they come back in. I recommend, mascara (a good coat) through the day, and each day, then after wash them off carefully with some soap, and coat them with some vaseline for a sealing protection before bed, then just continue the process the next morning.

  • It's honestly a myth to try to make your eyelashes thicker like that.

    I know there are some supplements that can sometimes help with eyelashes, but they predominately make your hair in general thicker and your nails thicker.

  • Maybe cause you are a ranga, but the answer is no. There is nothing that can fix your eyelashes. Just get clear mascara

  • i dont know of anything that will really make thm grow but you could try MAX mascara. it makes them look thicker and healthier (in my opinion)

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