How do you do a front flip into a pool?

Okay, I can do a backflip but I just CANT do a front flip. Do you have any tips? Like steps I can Learn it by? Please no googled answers. Just ones that you can make up on your own. Thanks a ton :)


  • can u do a flipturn? because if you can its easier

    just get a running start or stand on the very edge

    pretend your already in the water

    if your getting a running start then launch yourself up and forward then flip like you are in the water

    if your standing on the edge

    then just jump forward(important so you dont land on edge) and up then flip while your in the air

    warning: it hurts if u land on your back

  • when i started competitive swimming i had major problems for the longest time :$

    anyways so this is what i do for my flip turns. if you're just doing a regular flip you can variate it so it works for you.

    get some speed coming up to the wall. (usually at the bottom of the pool there's a T). when your at the end of that T bring your chin to your chest then bringing your head towards the bottom of the pool(don't let your chin move) and keep going, its just like a somersault. Let your legs bend from the hips (to minimize the bending in your knees). When your legs come over you're gonna be on your back so push of the wall from there.

    OH! & don't forget to blow air out of your nose so water doesn't go in.

  • Ok Well its quite often now not riskless in a five foot pool... however who cares. simply dont crack your head open please :D . Bend your knees, push off particularly difficult. tuck your knees in, and tuck your head in. and...turn round. i do not particularly understand how to provide an explanation for it that good. i'm used to doing them off diving forums at diving train so..

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