do you think I am hypocritical?

Why am I like this?? I often suffer sometimes. when im happy everything is alright but when im feeling low I am soo unhappy then I feel like my life is over and I cant live a normal life. When someone is ignorant to me I give myself the blame and call myself a disgrace then lower myself to staying in my room so no one has to deal with me. No therapy or meds really worked for this.


  • Actually, you're bi-polar.

    You need to change your inner thoughts. Quit thinking negatively all the time, and quit taking things personal.

  • Why is this hypocrisy?

    I don't understand.

    It seems it is difficult to live a healthy life when those around you tend to be sick ethically/spiritually or otherwise. I do not see how one could possibly live with decency and integrity amidst those who scribble all outside the bounds of their coloring book. It is a miasma of toxic fumes, and you need to crawl the floors to escape the thick vapours overhead. You will sink in societies like this.

    What else can you do? Become a pervert? Abuse men? What exactly?

  • We all are hypocrites about something, to some extent. I never met anyone who never was a hypocrite about anything. That would mean someone is perfect, and nobody is.

    And no, you're not a hypocrite because you're a female. The one who said that needs a cold slap in the back of his head and sent into his corner to get his sh*t together.

  • No, you just have a poor self esteem.

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