Lgbt: Do you consider yourself?

attractive both in the inside and out?.. =)


  • Well, if ya want me to put it in words;

    I am the fugly duckling in a sorta way. I am beautiful on the inside, the outside; *barfs*. But maybe I will grow handsome as the duckling did. :D

  • No, neither. Well. I know im not attractive on the outside. And then on the inside I think I am. Its just that others dont see it because of the way things come out. And its not my fault, its the meds im on. Or maybe Im just saying that. Maybe there is something wrong with me. But I try to be a nice, good person. Its just showing people that I am that is hard.

  • My outside could definitely use some TLC. Haha. I'm working on that though. But as for the inside, yeah, I think I am beautiful. I live for all the right morals, and I do everything I can to make the best out of myself, others, and life.

  • Only on the inside.

  • I find myself a potential hunk outside and, at times, a bit annoying, but generally quite honest and moral inside. I try to be very loyal.

  • naw only on the inside i dont consider myself attractive on the outside because i have low self esteem

  • Depends who I'm standing next to.

    If I was standing next to the Dalai Lama, then no to the first part.

    If I was standing next to Angelina Jolie, then no to the second part.

    But most of the time I feel ok.

  • Pretty outside.

    But my psych once said that when one gets through my rough exterior...they find the unemotional rock inside, so no, I'm not all that pretty, inside.

  • Id like to think so.i think i have a more attractive personalty

  • To be positive, yes. I think my personality is what catches people.

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