Do i have a mental disorder?

My father looks way more healthlier than me. He is shorter, has a larger head. Yet i am taller, have gnecomastia, small head, and to be frank my ears pop ot of my head like a retard. My parents say i look normal but to me something my instinct tells me that i am not normal there is something wrong i bet you a million dollars. Would it be better to visit a doctor. I honestly think there is something wrong with my chromosomes. I was born in a third world country.


  • Your ears pop out of your head so your a retard.? Well first off, do you know how bad that offends people? For real.

    Okay. You don't got a metal disorder. You sound like you really want one though..? Where you were born has nothin to do with it either. And your completely fine.

  • Um.. I'm not sure if you realise this but looks and body build have NOTHING to do with mental disorders. So no, you don't have a mental disorder. By the sounds of it you want one though, if you suffer with a mental disorder you are often in denial about it or may not even know about it.

    I think you want the attention that having a mental disorder gives you to be honest

  • I don't think you have any clear signs of a mental disorder since all of the symptoms you have listed are physical. I would recommend you go to a doctor if you think there is a problem with you.

  • That does not sound like a mental disorder, unless you count low self-esteem. Either way, therapy could help you feel better about yourself.

  • yes there is something wrong with you.... you are a hypochondriac

  • dominican republic?

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