Why do college girls party?

Not all, but a good amount of college girls like to party, drink, have sex with no strings attached. What happened to their morals? How can they degrade themselves like that? I would think that all college girls are mature enough to make sound decisions.


  • I wouldn't say they're mature yet, but are coming into maturity. Still, they're mostly away from home for the first time and naturally they're going to enjoy their new-found freedom which is further fueled by the thousands of other kids in the same situation. Toward the end of college this behaviour usually tapers off as they start going into career-mode and realizing that party time is over and they need to start carving out a solid future.

  • College girls party because we are adults and can do whatever we want to do. There's nothing wrong with it as long as you know how balance your partying with your school work. You have to know how to prioritize. I party hard on the weekends but never during the week, unless it's just going to a bar and having a few drinks. And during finals i dont party at all until i've finished studying. But life would be a little dull if you couldnt go out and just let loose sometimes!!! Now the whole sex with no strings attached....that's a no no. Im in a committed relationshiop and we go partying TOGETHER alot.

  • Well for you maturity is obviously attached to not having parties and sex. Others might think different about that.

    You might see it as degradation, they might see it as being independent and having fun because it's the way they want to enjoy life on the moment.

    So it really depends on your point of view.

  • Why does that bother you so much? If you believe you are so righteous, then let the world fend for itself. As long as you don't have a qualm with what others are doing, you will lead a happy and peaceful life. What girls do in college is their own business. Not your calling in life.

  • Same reasons the boys do it. It's fun and college is a time to explore.

    AND there's A LOT of pressure from the boys to join them. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and self-confidence to stand up to it.

    If that's what a young woman really wants.

  • Their morals disappeared in high school when to be popular you had to sleep around and party with the guys. Besides, the prevalence of "party schools" encourages such behavior. Also, some sororities actually encourage slutty behavior. One sorority was in the news a couple of weeks ago because it kicked out the girls that weren't acting like that.

    However, I'm happy to say there's no too much of that at my school. It's a women's college.

    (I'm also happy to say I was never popular in high school.)

  • man, look, they are away from strict or restrictive parents for the first time, they are semi on their own and experiencing life and freedom for the first time, didn't you do much the same thing??

  • why are you excluding all the college guys who party just as much or worse

  • They think this is a great way to get the love and attention they so desire.

    Pathetic? Yes.

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