Is my sister a complete b*tch?

My sister is one of the most horrible, cold-hearted people i know. And yes, i should love her because she's my sister, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! But she is just so mean and vicious, it's shocking.

She is so over-opinionated and she thinks she's always right. Everyday, there is something new for her to complain about whether it's her boyfriend or a family member or work. I mean, the world can't revolve around her.

She has also told me to use my computer less because it is loser-ish and sad. That may be true but it's very hypocritical coming from her because the minute she gets home from work, she is on her laptop looking up dresses and tweeting. Granted, she is an adult so she can do what she wants but still!

She also told me that i shouldn't use the internet because all of all the weird creeps out there. I'm not stupid! I knew what i was getting myself into when i first used the internet for stuff like yahoo answers.

She's just so frustrating! She blames everything on me, she thinks she's perfect because she thinks she's always right. So, am i in the wrong here or is she just a horrible b*tch?


  • She Is A Horrible *****.. (Mii Opinion)

  • It may feel like rubbish but she's just looking out for you. Just because she is a ***** doesn't mean she doesn't care about you. Why don't you talk to her about it the next time she comes home?

  • Jejejeje, how old Is she, the Little ones are always ******* stupid

  • All sister's r like that, but it doesn't mean that they r not gd or anything. sorry but u can't do anything. Good luck:D

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