Day Trader monthly average return?

what do good day traders average per month.

is 5 percent a month realistic for good traders.

Could they make more.?


  • Regardless of what markets you are addressing or what securities are being traded - no one can properly respond to your question

    No records are or can be maintained as to what part of the daily volume is done by trades that were done for the day. This is a meaningless number that no one or agency maintains.

    There are too many types of day trades and none of them are or could be calculated for any type of report. When a trade is executed there are no records that indicate the source of the type customer that has executed the trade.

    If any my floor traders, whether they be options, equities or commodities, produced only a 5% percent monthly return, they would be fired.

    Most floor and in-house proprietary traders can a do make more than 5% return a month, while a novice trader trading from home usually loses more than they make

  • Yes 5% is reasonable if you are good, but you must be good, and to be good you need the right tools (tools are important). Most of these people don't realize the billionaire traders like Warren Buffet make 80%, 90%, 100%+ a year. The thing is most of the good day traders work for multi-million dollar corporations and only receive a small percentage of the money they make the company. Also remember you have to have a minimum of 25k to do day trading. So, I wouldn't start with less than 50k. And the Guy that said something about 1million become 121billion has his math way wrong, unless he calculated reinvesting 100% of your profit every single month (and I'm still not sure he'd be right, I haven't done the math) which nobody does and would land you in jail for tax evasion way before 20 years was up.

    If you do what a lot of individual day traders do and keep the same starting bankroll each month making your profit your paycheck: in 20 years with a 1 million bank roll you will have made 12 million before taxes and living expenses at 5% a month average.

  • @John has this correct.

    There are no documented examples of sustained returns of 5% monthly.

    None. Not floor traders. Not options traders. On a single month sure, but not sustained over a meaningful time period.

    Starting with just $1 million, such returns would produce over $121 billion in 20 years, which would be the wealthiest person on the planet by quite a bit. Since no such person exists, then clearly no such track record exists.

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  • I agree in part with "A Nobody's" response.

    There are floor traders (both on the NYSE, & LME) that can and do average over 5% monthly profit. Remember professional traders do not need to nor do they trade every day,

    There are commodity traders that do easily average 5% return, although I do agree that many hold positions longer than a day.

    Bottom line, no one can track what "day traders" make since their trades are not nor can be determined.

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  • Successful retail day traders average 20% a year (this figure does not include anyone averaging less that 5% a year). That would mean of the 5% or less that make money consistently in Day Trading, an average of 1.6% a month is very good.

    5% a month is equal to 60% a year. You could surely make 60% in a year (very unlikely)... but not year over year. You'd be in a very small group totaling less than one handful of traders in the entire world.

    Read some books. 6-12 would be the right start.

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