Do extraterrestrials walk among us?....?

....what do you think?


  • Only a few do.

    The healers and shape-shifters can freely walk among us without suspicion, due to their overwhelming likeness to us. However, the "Little Green Men" (actually, a Reticulan's skin tone is grey anyways, see they suffer from severe iron deficiency in the Reticulan Galaxy and are notorious for their extraction of Human livers.) as people tend to want to call them cannot, and must stay out of sight until colonization occurs in 2012.

  • Why not? How arrogant can we be to think in all the world, the universe, the galaxy that we are the only living beings/organisms......what a great waste of space.....

  • i say some are, like this girl name Alona in my class. She is so weird and bumps into me a lot.

  • Far out thoughts. I think it's possible, but unlikely.

  • Yes. I am related to a few of them.

  • yes! i believe so just think...if there's humans there must or highly could be aliens out there :)

  • I do sometimes wonder what planet certain people are from I must admit..

  • Highly doubt it.

    But there are some messed up people that do, if that counts.

  • yeah , but mostly they are viruses that live in us, and take over that way ,

  • Mexicans, oh you said aliens not illegal aliens.

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