Do I deserve to die? ?

In my menial existence I've manipulated people for my own personal gain. I fantasize about genocide. I am extremely racist, I feel as If I have no concern for anyone or any living thing. I carry no remose for my actions. I treat those closest to me like they're worthless and those who I think care about me with endless love, which for me, is a huge thing because in my short life they're the only people that I've ever cared for. I have a range of mental instabilities and am currently contemplating ending my menial existence, wether it be on my own, or as taking as many people as possible with me. I'm consumed by hatred and depression. Anti psychotic pills keep me stable for a few hours before after I wake up but by the end of the day I'm ready to commit suicide and commit unimaginable acts of evil. I know that my mental instability is self deserved due to drug (prescription and illicit) and alcohol abuse.

I was just wondering what the general consensus of my predicament is. And for those who think I am seeking Attention, believe me, if I had the balls to kill myself, I wouldn't be on here asking for advice, I'd be lying in the gutter somewhere with blood running down my wrists as I gaze into the firey depths of hell.


  • admisssion is the first step to changing anything about ourselves....if you have done and felt all that badness how about some good actions for a change be nice to others? no matter what ya really feel... put yourself in the other peoples shoes. when we have evil thoughts like that nine out of ten because you dont have any value of your own self a bad spirit takes over an empty house and the house being your heart.... is there anything you can trully say that you love? love is better that hate. meds making you think that way no doubt....whatever your taking is doing the opposite to you call your doc. switch meds. not right for you... and cast your own demons out...there is a demon is you head tell it to get the f out!!!!!

  • Ethan, if you can see what you feel are undesirable traits in yourself then you can also change them. Acknowledging the behavior is the first step in changing the behavior. You do not deserve to die nor does anyone else. I hear your cries for help not attention and I truly wish I could reach through this computer and let you know that someone cares about you. Someone you don't even know. Take comfort that you can change all things and that we have an awesome God that can help you. I wouldn't wish hell on anyone, especially you. Keep taking your meds (I take meds too) and seek out either your current psychiatrist or get one that can help you through this. Know that people do care about you, I do. :)

  • Do you Deserve to die? Seeing that you are mortal, death happens to the inevitable outcome of all menial existence. In this vague understanding I have of death, in time, you should die, you will die and you have no other options. In this sense, you deserve to die, but that hardly seems to be the point.

    As far as being a form of life with a evident beginning and an inevitable end, as all people come to be with out any form of consent, it would not justified for anyone to determine the length of your life based on the details of your life because they have come into this world under the exact same conditions as you have and are equally misguided. Like wise, you them.

    Under these circumstances, the correct question to ask is "Do I deserve to be Alive?"

    As said before, you are thrown into this world without your consent, now all that is left to contemplate what you have, not what will happen. I find it unusual that people will spend time to consider death rather then to consider life because everything you are can not benefit from death and is therefor meaningless.

    Then me for example who...I'm getting tired, I'm going bed. later.

  • they're ignorant and how dare they besides! no person has a appropriate to declare absolutely everyone has a appropriate to die. John became right into a great singer and composer. His remark approximately Jesus became into incredibly taken out of context. He did not seem non secular (no one is familiar with what became into incredibly in his head) yet he became into purely pointing out that they might fill a stay overall performance venue extra beneficial than the church homes ought to fill and that i think of the church homes could not cope with that.

  • You need a holiday and to change your situation.

    If you hate the world your in, then change your world. Get the **** off your computer. Go on an adventure. Do some travel. Find yourself and learn about the REAL world and how different, fun and interesting it is.

  • Please don't kill yourself!! Imagine how your loved ones would feel. The anguish would never end for them. It would take a PERMANENT TOLL on them.

    You don't have to kill yourself! You can have “a life” in JESUS (John 10:9-10)

    In Jesus, life can be far better and peaceful, but the first step is to never give up on yourself!

    PLEASE, pray to Him (Jesus.) Pour out your heartaches to Him. Trust me, Jesus Christ will HEAR your prayer, and can (with time,) heal ALL of your wounds.

    Put your trust in Him, that He CARES about you, and will listen to your concerns. He LOVES you so much and even knew you when you were in your mother's womb!

    "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...." - Jeremiah 1:5.

    No matter who you are, God LOVES you and wants to give you a FUTURE and everlasting life.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

    That being said, suicide is a SIN. A sin that will send you to Hell (a place of eternal punishment and a place that there's no escape from.)

    All those who reject Jesus Christ and die in their sins (and suicide,) will be cast into the 'Lake of Fire' (Hell) forever. Though one may not understand the severity of God sentencing a person to burn in Hell for all eternity, as punishment for sin, we must realize that God is far more holy and just than we could ever imagine.

    Your life, and body belongs to GOD, who created you.

    No one should ever even seriously consider something so foolish as killing one's self. I hope these few words have encouraged you.

    I'll pray for you.

  • Well, the bible says there is forgiveness when one repents. That's good news because no matter how bad you are, God is always good. You should asses your emotions because you might be suffering from depression. It should not be taken lightly because antidepressants such as Paxil may reinforce your suicidal tendencies. Death will just prevent you from making yourself a better person. See:

  • Don't end your life. That won't make anything better, and it will just further hurt those who care about you. Just stick it out and things will get better. Please don't do anything to yourself! One of my friends killed herself. It made all of her friends and families including me broken hearted and miserable. Please don't do it! If you want to talk my email is [email protected] I would like to help you!

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