How do you unregister a gun?

Say for example, if the gun breaks and no longer works. What would you have to do to unregister it so you no longer have that weapon under your name?


  • If you live in the vast majority of the United States, your gun isn't registered to your name in the first place.

  • Write up a bill of sale to someone else, if private sales are legal. That will serve as legal record that you no longer own it. Or if it's really broken, cut it up into bits and throw it away. That will successfully unregister the gun since you can't be caught with it and it can't be used in a crime, so you'll have nothing to worry about.

  • Most guns are not registered. If you live in a state that requires registration, the method of un-registering it would be state specific.

  • Guns are not registered.

  • You turn it in to one of those gun buy back programs and get a receipt.

  • overthrow the institution holding the registry.

  • You cant 'unregister' it. You must sell it. The government keeps track of who has which rifle

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