Why does my OB/GYN never consider PCOS as a cause for my nonexistent periods?

I've gone to my doctor plenty about my irregular periods. I have three to four periods per year. I'm 19 yrs old.

They always act like it's nothing to worry about, but I have heard that 1 in 15 women have PCOS. They have never bothered checking me for it even though I am concerned about missing so many periods.

I'm not overweight and I have a blood pressure of 105/67. So maybe that's why they don't bother checking, but can't one still have the condition without those symptoms?


  • I have PCOS and it is a tricky thing to diagnose. Some women have all the symptoms, some have very few. You should perhaps check out a different doctor and stress your concerns, rather than staying with one that doesn't seem too enthused with the idea. Also, you should ask your doctor why he/she doesn't think you have PCOS.

    Generally speaking, the symptoms include:

    Cysts on the ovaries

    Male pattern baldness

    Usually weight gain/specifically around the stomach

    Insulin resistance

    Hair growth on chest, face, stomach, etc. (Male growth)



    Breathing problems


    High Blood Pressure


    Constant fatigue

    While you could have PCOS and not have many symptoms, just having irregular periods is not enough. Perhaps that's why your doctor does not seem too interested in the idea. I have met women that generally only have a few symptoms, but I, myself, have all. Even with me having every single one, I've still had a few doctors make me jump through hoops just to get a diagnosis of sorts.

    Ask for a blood test, ask for an ultrasound to check your ovaries. Talk to your doctor and if you don't like their response, find a new one.

  • I don't know much about PCOS. I know my friend has it, but she doesn't talk about it much. Can you schedule an appointment to get tested for it? Like, don'[t even mention your lack of periods until asked about it. Just go there solely to get tested for it. They can't run from it then xP

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