Why is my car insurance premium so steep!?

I'm a 17 year old guy, passed my test in September and have been driving since then with no bother but I'm annoyed at having to pay so much!

I drive a 1.3 Ford Ka Zetec Climate, and haven't modified it at all.

My friends (regardless of being named drivers on parents' policies) are paying around £1000 or less, whereas I'm lumped with a £2600 premium - and I spent a LOT of time trying to get better quotes before I bought the car and since my premium rocketed having passed my test.

I'll admit I do have comprehensive insurance but the cars worth around 5k, so I reckon it's worth it... In addition, any idea why a Ford Ka is £154 a year road tax??!!!



Thanks for the answers, I get the basic reasons for it being so high I was just wondering why mine is so much more than EVERYONE else's lol

I would have assumed that a KA would have low emissions due to its' size, but for some reason not...

I live in a relatively decent area, so I don't think that's anything to do with the premium.

I may as well upgrade to a 1.6 sportKA, the insurance is the same! :P


  • Your friends aren't paying for theft or fire while you are.

    Also, use http://www.simplyinsurancequotes.com/ukmotoring-in... they are the best I know in the UK.

  • You have a high premium because you are young and haven't been driving for long. Also the fact that you are male. Also to do with the value of the car. I was 19 when I passed my driving test, have a 1.4 Fiesta and my first year was steep. It has come down by about £50 per month in my second year. It's just something you have to do, it will come down.

    I'm sure road tax is to do with the emissions your car gives off, the higher the emissions, the higher the price.

  • Your friends that insure on Mums name are actually getting cheaper insurance illegally. They would have had to answer a question that asks who is the most regular driver and as they answer "M<um" then that is a false statement at declaration. In the event of a claim the insurance company are well within their right to refuse the payout using false declaration as the reason. (Illegal)

    Now you see why yours is so much costly. You do it with honesty and it costs but at least you have done it right. Keep you record good and the cost will drop quickly

    Good luck and keep safe

  • You are a young male which doesn't help, it also maybe your post code.

    Are you sure the road tax is £154 because there is no £154? Unless when you bought it was 12 months anmd an extra week or 2.

  • lots of factors age of driver, experience,male or female, girls get it cheaper, cost to repair car, cost of parts to fix damage, where you park it, what your post code is, power of engine to weight of car, i assume u have tried all the price comparison sites like go compare, elephant, confused, money super market and played around with your excess, also a tracker,a thatcham category 1 alarm and pass plus course can reduce it too. Road tax is based on co2 emission of engine

  • Is your car worth more than theirs and do you have fully comp or tpft?

    Road tax is dependant on emissions or engine size, depending on age.

  • "I'm a 17 year old guy, passed my test in September..."

    You just answered your own question.

  • Because you have comprehensive insurance.

    be good

  • Your age and in experience.

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