Instead of a Gay Pride parade?

Is there a Gay Dealing With It parade I can attend??


  • Not sure, I'll start one if there isn't. Just for you Purp.

  • Wow this is kind of sad. You should be proud. You must have allot of outside factors that are making you sad right now. Don't worry be happy. All gay people are beautiful no matter what anyone says. Don't let other get you down. You shouldn't have to deal you should be proud. No one ever said life was going to be easy. Not to mention how much harder it is for us GLBT people. Well there's and old saying. Life is what you make it.

  • Well, isn't that what Gay Pride should be? I mean, we all go through it, and we all take different roads to the same end. I kind of know what you mean about it becoming something not as you envisioned.

  • just attend the pride parade... never mind if it's gay... or not...

  • Why so unhappy, Accept it your gay and there is nothing you can do about it. Have a little pride.

  • You have to accept yourself first.

  • Im sure we could organize one for you... no prob.

  • ya it's happening up my a$$

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