Why do humans continue to seek partners?

Why after time and time again of pain, suffering and depression do we continue to seek out a partner? shouldn't we learn from our experience?

and if we are 'meant' to be in pairs, why should it be so dangerous to find one?

1 minute ago - 3 days left to answer.


haha... Freud would be interested in your answers. Im a 27year old med student from australia. Not working in a resort or on minimum wage, however thanks for all answers, interesting fodder.. check out the answers for this question when listed under philosophy and religion and compare :)


  • Are you some 40 year old that lives at home with his parents still? Goes to work at some resort for minimum wage because he didn't do anything with his life? Thinks people there like you because they talk to you, but everyone knows you're actually a life screw up. Mom makes all meals for you, washes your clothes and tucks you in at night? Just because you can't find a person doesn't mean no one else can you ****.

  • I'm surprised at the answers I read... because I agree with your logic. I mean, many animals find one mate for life and live happily ever after. Humans, through their complicated "emotions" and "feelings" and having a conscious and whatnot, make it much more complicated. We do end up heartbroken, time and again, yet we feel the need to be paired up. We suffer through days (or months or years) of pain, and when we finally move on, most of us find someone else to be with and possibly start the cycle all over again. Some of us are lucky enough to stay with the first person we've ever been with, but where's the fun in that?!

  • It's not dangerous. I found one. I don't suffer. I'm not depressed. Your presumptions have failed.

  • Some people are stupid.

  • God made us this way.

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