Car problems....?

Last night my car just conked out. Its a v reg Vauxhall Astra TD,and was full of fuel and oil etc. When the ignition is turned the car sounds like its trying to start, but it won't.It was making an odd grumbling noise for a few days before, but other than that it was fine. Someone has told me it could be a fuel problem, that the diesel isn't getting to the engine. Has anyone had problems like this with their car, if so what was the problem and how much was it to get fixed?


  • to be honest it sounds like a cam belt if it was making noises a few days earlier....i wouldn't say it was a fuel problem because because it been running OK till last night...if it had been a fuel problem then it would probably been spluttering or something for those few days, but it just stopped which some cars do that if cam belt goes as it saves the engine from completely f ucking up, either way it looks like you guna need a mechanic

  • My main suspect would be a battery and/re electrical problem. The next suspect would be fuel. If your battery is over 2 years old, I'd suggest getting a new one. If it's new or if a new battery conks out after a few days, take your car to the shop since the battery's not being recharged.

    If there's nothing wrong with your electrical system, have them check your fuel/filter for contamination/water.

  • Blocked fuel line. Trace the fuel line back from the engine until you find the blockage, it's most probably a gunked up filter. Or take it to a garage, no idea how much it would cost, probably about £30-50 depending on the problem.

  • Deisel fuel can gel and clog the line or the filter,,usually on a deisel there might be a drain plug on the bottom of the filter to bleed air out ,u might try there to see if its getting fuel there,if the cam belt breaks ,,the engine will spin faster when trying to start it because the cams not turning,,will sound different,,good luck

  • You may have leak in your fuel line! It would most probably need a new one! I have had the same problem before and it can be fixed! Take it to your mechanic to check it out!

  • definitely fuel supply and the first place to look is the fuel filter. This is not an expensive repair - and failry quick too

  • Go to Fox parts Dixan Street

  • Maybe its the starter or some filter, sometimes this failure is because of the key try with the other one then use the normal key and that could be all

  • it might sound like a altner or starter. even maybe a battery. it is hard to tell unless you take it to a mecthel or go to auto parts shop to do some test

  • has the cam belt broken , if it has costs loads ,air in the fuel system bleed system .

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