CIrcular saw blades?

As I cut the wood the bottom side always seems to "splinter off". I have a 60tooth blade in my chop saw now. Should I find a higher tooth blade? I have cut anything from 1-2 inch wood with it. Thanks for the help.


  • put some scrap wood under it,it will splinter .

  • That might help also check how deep your blade is set. The bottom of the blade should not be below the piece your cutting more than 1/4" to keep it smooth. Also go very very slow while cutting. Another trick I learned is to tape the bottom side where its being cut with masking tape, this helps hold the wood together.

  • A high tooth count, a sharp saw blade, a high speed saw, quality material, slow feed speeds and tricks like the tape should help correct the splintering.

    I have one more comment, use an old garbage blade to cut particle board, plywood and osb or the ultra fine particle board, I thing it is (mdf, mbo) or something like that. All these materials are glued up with dirt, rocks and other things that dull blades. I have seen sparks fly when I used to use particle board for some projects. Now I won't have it in the shop.

  • This is normal. You might try cutting through your stock a Little slower. Also a dull blade can make nasty cuts, they can usually be sharpened as long as there aren't teeth missing. Depends on the type of wood you're cutting as well. Soft woods splinter more than hard woods.

  • A 60 tooth blade shouldn't be doing that unless your cutting too fast I think, try to cut slower and don't force the blade, good luck, let me know if that helps

  • try putting tape over cut mark, or score with utility knife.

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