Dog vs Dog?

What dog breed would stand a chance in a fight against a big American bully male?


  • A Patterdale with good crotch targeting instincts.

  • American Bully's aren't supposed to be aggressive. The people that are trying to get the breed recognized, the responsible breeders and the people advocating for the breed are insistent that these dogs are being bred AWAY from the dog-on-dog aggression that is so often prominent in the Pit Bull breed.

    Remember, these dogs aren't Pit Bulls and a Bully that shows aggression toward another dog is not considered ''typical of the breed'' or ''true to type'' - it is a very undesirable trait.

    You also have to take into consideration that American Bullies still vary greatly. There are exotics, pockets, XXLs so either way, your question is really hard to answer.

    Bully-type breeds already have such an awful reputation; the AB breeders are trying the best to start a fresh with this breed and so, I'm not going to answer a silly, hypothetical, ''who would win'' type question. Who fantasizes about dog fights, anyway?

  • Im hoping your not asking because you are planning on attending a dog fight. There is a special place in hell for people who participate in that kind of disgusting abuse. I hope if your doing that to your poor dog he finds a loving home.

  • Dog fighting is cruel and inhumane.

  • we can only hope it will attack you snap your neck and leave you totally paralyized for life you dung heap

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