do polar bears eat dog ?

is it true that polar bears eat everythign even the dogs ?.


  • Due to the area they live in and what it takes for them to survive they try to stay to the more fatty foods (seals, smaller whales). However that will not stop a polar bear from eating anything they so happen to come across, including other polar bears (males will hunt and kill/eat cubs). There are however many cases of tribes and hunters who have lost dogs to polar bears.

    So though dogs are not part of their main diet, it can and does happen.

  • carnivorous, which means it is a meat eater. The favorite prey of the polar bear are the many variates of ice dwelling seals. Some of their favorite are the Bearded Seal and the Ringed Seal. What a polar bear eats depends on what region of the Arctic lives in. Where available the polar bear will also eat Harp Seals, and they have even been seen successfully hunting beluga whales. Polar bears are opportunistic and would never pass up a carcass such as a Walrus, Bowhead Whale, or Grey Whale. During summer months Polar Bears have been known to eat any available animals, berries, shellfish, rodents, and garbage. Humans must be very cautious as Polar Bears have been known to attack and kill.

  • They are a carnivore, thus, they, by definition eat meat. Tho dog is not usually on their menu, bears are as well opportunistic, and will indeed eat a dog, or an arctic fox, if he could catch one. They will eat carrion if they get hungry enough. And as well, a male polar bear will eat baby polar bears if the mom isn't vigilant.

  • polar bears don't eat every thing ,they eat fish and meat. i dont think it would eat a dog on less really hungry,probably attack the dog if it was bothering hem though,polar bears are not vicious creatures that eat every thing.probably take a bite of it though

  • Yes, if a dog is dumb enough to get close to a polar bear, it will get eaten.

  • Not really. Polar bears mainly subsist on much fattier foods, such as fish and pinnipeds (aka seals).


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